Bioresonance therapy is one of a number of non invasive therapies such as homeopathy and acupuncture, andΒ is based upon quantum physics. Quantum physics is a pretty complex area of science, but in very basic terms quantum physics is about the behaviour of matter and energy at very small scale (atoms and subatomic particles and waves). Quantum physics recognises that everything around us emits a frequency which can be measured. It also recognises a phenomenon called entangled states.Β 

Bioresonance testing uses the information from a living organism which gives out energy – in this case a sample of hair – and can be thought of as the fingerprint of a person. The energy, or frequencies, in the hair are tested and compared to the frequencies of all the items we test for; food & drink, vitamins, minerals, metals, enzymes and bacteria etc, in order to establish the reaction levels to each in the body.

How the science works

The history of Bioresonance testing

Bioresonance therapy was invented in Germany in 1977 by Franz Morell and his son-in-law, engineer Erich Rasche. Initially they marketed it as β€˜MORA therapy’ (MOrell + RAsche). The concept of bioresonance is that the machine’s electromagnetic waves create a resonance in our body’s cells which, in turn, brings about the desired effects.

Similar to other electronic medical devices, BioResonance is a safe and gentle, non-invasive alternative therapeutic technique designed on the premise that all particles of matter generate electromagnetic energy. In humans and other animals, this electromagnetic energy is continually resonating out from the body in oscillations of varying wavelengths and frequencies, which can be detected, amplified, graphed, and examined.

Since its emergence in the 1970s, BioResonance techniques have been used globally, in countries such as Australia, Asia, Europe, New Zealand, and Russia, to diagnose disease and to promote healing by normalising the body’s unique electromagnetic characteristics and frequency patterns. Given that the technique is non-invasive and not linked with any potential side effects, it has become increasingly popular as an alternative tool for aiding in diagnosis

Research and supporting documents

A growing number of people are discovering the benefits of bioresonance therapy. Although bioresonance tests lack sufficient clinical papers, below is a selection of research papers intended to educate and inform about the efficacy of bioresonance.

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